28 March, 2017

Why You Should Not Use auto-liker apps On Facebook

Why You Should Not Use auto-liker apps On Facebook

stop using autolikers
Facebook- World's most popular social networking site created by a teen named Mark Zuckerberg on 2004. Started just to connect collegeous increased rapidly and became world's number one social networking site.  It is being important part of our life.

As its popularity increased our virtual status or personality is mainly depends on likes and comments we get on our facebook posts or photos. So nowadays people use different techniques to get likes among them autoliker is most popular. Today I am going to tell you why you should not use autolikers, or the effects of autolikers.

Before going into reason of why using autolikers in facebook is bad idea lets know how autoliker works,
The autolikers admin create apps using facebook developer option. They will ask you to allow the apps on your facebook account. Which app have to like, comment or post status or even more. If you allowed the app then they can do everything mentioned in permission without your permission/password. The autoliker apps have more users, not only you there are a lots of people who allowed that app. If before you 200 people are using the app then your account will be used to like 200 peoples status and 200 peoples accounts will be used to like your status. Its is nothing but a simple like exchange.

Here are 6 reasons to avoid facebook autolikers.

1. They will Use Your Account
As I mentioned above, they don't bring likes from March, they exchange likes between autoliker's users. So they will use your account to like or comment on other users post. You can check this through activity log.
You will see all the post you liked/commented. You will be surprised to see how many posts of unknown you liked. This kind of suspicious activity on facebook may cause account deactivation.

2. The world is being smarter
World is being smarter, who don't know this? Because of huge use of autolikers people/friends easily detect that you are using autolikers. You may ask how can we detect fake likes on facebook? Its very simple, there are few methods to find out is someone using autolikers or not:
More likes on a post than friendlist
 Huge difference of likes between post shared only with friends and shared to public.
Group Spamming,
Sometimes you will receive comments/likes from foreign country in a post written in your local language. How will you hide this?

3. You can fall on Legal Trap:
As I mentioned on reason 1, they can use your account to comment or like on other status so if they commented something illegal on authorized posts such as on your local police officers facebook post?

4. Privacy Problem
To get autolikes you should share your posts and photos publicly else you will not get likes. So it encourage you to share everything publicly if you shared with friends only you will get less likes than usual so you will try to kill word named privacy.

5. Private data can be exposed
As you know you allowed a app to access your certain data while using autolikers. If you were not careful then you may granted access to app which may see your private message. So be aware while allowing apps on facebook.

6. Be ready to be leveled as Spammer :

Hell yeah, Most autolikers spam on groups you joined. So be ready to be kicked out and labeled as spammer. This will surely decrease your status among friends.

Choice is yours, If you think the reasons are correct then you must stop using it else enjoy in your fake likes.

How to Stop autolikers or How to remove autolikers from your facebook account?

If you thought to avoid autolikers or remove autolikes from facebook then here is the steps to remove it.

  • Open facebook.
  • Go to Setting  -> Apps
Remove auto-liker apps on facebook

  • Now on Logged in with Facebook you will see the apps that you allowed

  • Remove all autolikers apps. Most common names of autoliker apps are Nokia Account, Htc Sense, BlackBerry, Sony  Ericsson etc.
Beware don't remove all apps because all apps may not be autolikers.

Final words:
Auto liker is not ultimate solution to get likes on Facebook. Actually you don't have to use such fake likes just to showoff. Facebook users are becoming smart they will give you a like if your post is worth of giving a like.

Thanks for reading, Stay Safe!!!
Sorry for bad English.

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